Lindy in the Park is canceled for Jan 22, 2012

СВЕТИ ГЕОРГИSorry folks, Lindy in the Park is canceled today, Jan 22,2012.  We tried and carted the equipment to our dance site, but it was just too wet. Hope we can return next week....

And yes, there is also Lindy in the Park on New Year’s Day!

Hey Dancers, January 1st, 2012, New Year’s day, also falls on a Sunday, but we’re still having Lindy in the Park.  So bring in the new year with our favorite free outdoor swing dance (and work off all those extra holiday calories!). Happy Holidays!...

Link to KALW (91.7 FM) story about Lindy in the Park

Hi Everyone, If you missed the radio airing of the KALW (91.7 FM) story about Lindy in the Park earlier this evening, you can listen to, or download, an mp3 file of the story or read a transcription from the following page on KALW’s website:...

Lindy in the Park story on KALW (91.7 FM), Thu 12/1/11 5:00 PM!

Hi Everyone, A couple weeks ago, Carolina from KALW told us that the “Lindy in the Park” story she did was going to air on the radio.  It turned out that the story was postponed at the last minute.  It’s now scheduled to air this evening (Thu, Dec....

Sunday, November 20, 2011: Lindy in the Park canceled due to rain

Sorry Folks, Lindy in the Park is canceled today (11/20/2011) due to rain. It’s currently raining here in SF (10:30 AM) and the forecasts predict a chance of rain throughout the day. Hopefully we’ll be back next week (yes, we are planning to do LitP the Sunday of...