Reminder: Daylight Savings ends tonight, Nov 4, 2018, 2:00am

Reminder: Daylight Savings ends tonight, Nov 4, 2018, 2:00am

Daylight Savings Time ENDS TONIGHT, early Sunday morning, November 4, 2018, 2:00am! So before you go to bed Saturday night, remember to reset all your clocks and watches back one hour to standard time (“spring forward, fall back”).  And you’ll get an extra hour of...
Sun, Dec 24, 2017: Special Holiday Edition of Lindy in the Park!

Sun, Dec 24, 2017: Special Holiday Edition of Lindy in the Park!

Special Holiday Edition of Lindy in the Park! Sunday, December 24, 11:00am-2:00pm! Yes, there will be Lindy in the Park on Christmas Eve, decorated in holiday cheer, with swingin’ holiday music and treats! Hot apple cider and hot chocolate will be served (compliments...