ХудожникHey Dancers!

YES, we ARE planning to have Lindy in the Park this Sunday, May 20, 2012, the day of the Bay to Breakers race (weather permitting, of course)!  Lindy in the Park will take place at its regular time (11:00 AM-2:00 PM) and location (south sidewalk of JFK Drive, near the de Young museum), even though we might have 100,000+ extra people running near or through our dance floor!

We canceled LitP for Bay to Breakers the previous 3 years, and the race does run along JFK Drive through Golden Gate Park, but with the more sober version of the race and earlier 7:00AM start time (for the race, that is, not LitP!), we think this will be a fun, and relatively clean(?) day.

However, due to the crowds and street closures, traffic and parking will definitely be affected.  Please allow yourself extra time to get to LitP and consider using public transit (e.g., BART, Muni).  To drive north-south in SF across the race course, I believe that Embarcadero and 19th Ave./Park Presidio will remain open in both directions at all times.  For more information about street closures and public transportion, check the official Bay to Breakers web site: http://zazzlebaytobreakers.com

And keep your valuables at home or in a safe place!

Hope to see you at the park (no floats, no booze, costumes optional),